Do you need a Digital Detox?

I’ve spent the past ten days taking a break from posting on social media; you probably saw my stories on Instagram talking about this yesterday. I didn’t really intend to go on this digital detox, it kind of just happened, but I’m so glad it did because I’ve come out of it feeling calmer, more rejuvenated and less exhausted. So today, I thought I’ll share with you why I think it’s important to go on a digital detox every once in a while, and in general, just be mindful of what you consume.

1. Social comparison makes it hard to be content

If you’re on social media, I’m sure you’ve found yourself comparing your life to your friends, influencers, celebrities, and random strangers. We all know people are only putting out the best aspects of their lives online, yet it’s hard not to feel others have it better than you do.

I often get told how amazing my life is because I get to travel so much, and while that is something I’m very grateful for, life isn’t as fun and games as it seems online and we all deal with our own battles. As the saying goes, comparison really is the thief of joy. Taking a digital detox can help change your perspective by making you feel more grateful for what you do have and help you stop comparing yourself to others.

2. You’ll be more productive

This is kind of a no-brainer but how many times do you find yourself scrolling through Instagram while you’re working? I didn’t completely cut off from social media, however, in the past ten days, my screen time went down considerably and it made me realise just how much time in a day I was wasting online. I also finally got down to working on something I’ve been wanting to for months, so it’s been quite a productive week.

3. Improved sleep

This was a big one for me! As someone who loves sleeping, I haven’t been sleeping well these past few months, and a large part of that was me being glued to my screen all day long. Even if you’re not considering a digital detox, do yourself a favour and stay away from screens at least an hour before bed. Lately I’ve started reading at night and it’s really improved the quality of my sleep.

4. More calm and content

There have been countless articles and videos about how people who have taken breaks from technology have found themselves less stressed and a lot calmer. Yet, it took trying it out myself for me to actually believe it. It’s hard to be mindful and be present when you’re glued to your phone all the time.

All this is not to say that social media doesn’t have its benefits. I, for one, owe my whole livelihood to social media and I’m so grateful for how it lets me connect with my friends and the people I care about and for all the wonderful opportunities it’s brought my way. However, being able to unplug and have some time away from your screens will leave you feeling calmer, more energised and more in touch with the world around you. So if you’re feeling anxious or stressed, and find yourself compelled to check your phone every few minutes, it’s probably a sign you need a digital detox. 

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” :)


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