Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel

10 Lessons from 2020

For many of us, 2020 was a year of survival. From quarantining, and changing the kind of content I create (since travel wasn’t an option), to virtually vacating my apartment and figuring out different ways of making money, 2020 was quite a challenging year for me. But despite that, it’s been a year full of growth, blessings, and lots of lessons.

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Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel

Imposter Syndrome is real!

Today I want to talk about something I, and I'm sure a lot of others, experience a lot - ‘imposter syndrome’. Have you ever felt like whatever you've accomplished in life is just because of luck, and that you don't actually deserve anything? Do you sometimes feel inadequate, like you don't belong, and that people will think you're a scam and you have no real skills? If you answered yes, then don't worry, you're in great company (even people like Tom Hanks, Lady Gaga and Maya Angelou feel this way)!

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Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel

Living without my Phone

As someone who literally lives on the Internet (and makes a living off of it), I started off feeling so anxious and incomplete without it; kind of like being phone-less was equivalent to being jobless; but soon came to the realisation (or rather self consolation) that it was just a phone at the end of the day. So I decided to take the day off (not that I had a choice) and it was the best thing ever!

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Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel Newsletter, Personal Development Kritika Goel

Declutter your Life

Each time I move, I get rid of a lot of things I feel I don’t need anymore and this time while I was in the process of decluttering, I was quite pleased at how few things I had to get rid of; I think I’m finally getting close to a point where I actually use pretty much everything I own, something I’ve been striving to get to because how often do we own things we NEVER end up using?

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