Declutter your Life

Today I finally did the last bit of sorting out of my stuff that got from Mumbai two months ago (yes, I procrastinated for almost two months to sort out my stuff :P) and I ended up decluttering some of the things I own. In the past few years, I’ve moved so many times and it’s made me think a lot about my possessions. 

Each time I move, I get rid of a lot of things I feel I don’t need anymore and this time while I was in the process of decluttering, I was quite pleased at how few things I had to get rid of; I think I’m finally getting close to a point where I actually use pretty much everything I own, something I’ve been striving to get to because how often do we own things we NEVER end up using?

Over the years, I’ve gotten comfortable with saying goodbye to things I don’t need (thanks Marie Kondo) and the hoarder in me is making way for, dare I say, a minimalist (or whatever the word is for someone who’s more mindful about the things they own). So today, I thought I’ll share with you my five rules for decluttering life/buying new things:

  1. Live below your means

  2. Don’t buy things you can’t afford

  3. If you haven’t used it in over a year, get rid of it

  4. Don’t keep anything you wouldn’t buy again today (unless you’re holding on for some sentimental reason)

  5. Get rid of things when they take up the space you need

Over the last few months, I’ve given away a lot of my clothes, shoes and bags. I’ve also done giveaways and gifted some of the skincare and other free stuff which brands very kindly send to me (there’s honestly only so much you can use yourself). And in general, I got rid of a lot of random things I didn’t need anymore. 

And I have to tell you, it feels amazing. I know I only attempted to declutter my physical possessions but an awesome by product of that activity has been a decluttering of my mind as well. This has freed up so much space in my mind, space that I can now hopefully use to work on some of the projects I’ve been procrastinating working on.

So look around your room/house. How many of the things you see do you really need? Maybe it’s time to roll up your sleeves and find a new home for the things you no longer have place for in your life. :)


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